Monday, April 14, 2008

Building 412 boulevard fencing

Consideration is being given by the Board to removing this existing fence in front of building 412 and having the area, right up to the balcony decks open to vagrants, people walking their dogs and trash blowing onto the newly opened area.
At a meeting with the residents of the first floor on the Bellflower Boulevard side, they were only able to consider two options for alternate security: 1) having the holes beneath the balconies plugged with pickets, or a new fence similar to what was placed in front of the Clubhouse and building 552 installed half-way between the sidewalk and the buildings. They were not even allowed to consider a new fence along the sidewalk as it is now on Bellflower Blvd. in front of building 412.
At a time when finances are under so much pressure and constrained, it seems inappropriate to consider at this time the removal of this fence that has provided relative security for the residents of building 412 along Bellflower Blvd. Yes, some attention could be given to its maintenance and temporary measures poorly used to piece it together where the new fence was installed at the vehicle entrances.